
“ To be a man of powerful performance in society, you must first have been a fulfilled child. Self-fulfillment is the key to our success. » Rod On Jr, President of BIFTY

Lord Ekomy

Lord Ekomy Ndong, is a Gabonese artist passionate about African culture and history. Pan-African artist, a clearly claimed Mvett influence most of his compositions and his writing. He is now involved in the humanitarian project Sing For Africa. In 1999, his album “Mission a Mbeng” will be a first sales record in the Gabon (Source Discotype Mbolo). In May 2006, Ekomy was honored to be chosen to produce a title on behalf of a leading figure in African music. He writes, composes and arranges the title "Comme ces enfants" as part of a humanitarian project. He has to his credit numerous collaborations with most of the Gabonese urban scene or more broadly in Africa and is nominated for his title "We" at the MTV Music Awards in Abuja.